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Diritto amministrativo I - eng

Diritto amministrativo (GIU) - ENG

Diritto amministrativo I - ENG
Prof. Barbara Mameli

Course Code: GM004
Subject code: JUS 10
9 ECTS - 66 hours
Location: Novara  

•    Lingua insegnamento

Italian language
•    Contenuti
The course promotes better understanding the basic notions of the public law. In particular the course will regard:
- the administrative law with reference to the Constitution;
- the meaning of Pubblic Administration, her liability and her connection with the citizen;
- the public power of Administration and his meaning;
- Subjective legal situations, the legitimate interests;
- the administrative decision;
- the administrative procedure;
- the administrative activities of private law;
- the public administration as an entrepreneur;
- the contractual activity of the public administration and the public procurement;
- the responsibility of the public administration.

•    Testi di riferimento
F.G. SCOCA, Diritto amministrativo, terza edizione, Giappichelli Torino. Parte 1, Capitoli 1, 2 e 3. Parte 2, Capitolo 2. Parte 3, Capitoli 1, 2, 3,  4, 5. Parte IV, Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5. Parte 5, Capitoli 1 e 2. Parte 7, Capitolo 2 e 3. Parte 8, Capitolo 2.

•    Obiettivi formativi
Purpose of the course is to explain the administrative system of italian goverment with particolar attention to his collocation in the constitutional institution.
The course will also examine the organisation of the administrative system going into details regarding the connection Administration/citizens. Special attention will be given to the public power (administrative law) and to analysis of the administrative activity consensual.

•    Prerequisiti

Having passed diritto costituzionale and diritto privato.

•    Metodi didattici

Frontal lectures

•    Altre informazioni

•    Modalità di verifica dell’apprendimento
The exam is oral. There are two exemptions that will be carried out in the middle and at the end of the course. The participation is free of tax exemptions.