Fondamenti di geografia - ENG
Prof. Gianfranco Spinelli – Dott.ssa Carla Ferrario
Codice insegnamento E0072
SSD Insegnamento M-GGR/02
8 CFU - 64 ore
Educational aims
The course aims to provide basic geographical knowledge, methodological and content-related, in preparation for the analysis and interpretation of spatial organization, as well as the conditions and effects of tourism development at different scale levels. In particular, it provides the essential principles of the systemic approach and the main theoretical and practical criteria to analyze and represent the Earth surface - and the regions in which it is articulated - as a product of human activity.
The course also provides the basis for analyzing and understanding territorial organizations, at urban, regional and national scale, as well as the key interactions between the physical environment and social environment, allowing interpreting geographic differentiation of the relationship between man and nature as an expression of different social relations. Finally, provide the basic techniques of spatial analysis and cartographic representation.
Content of the course
The course is divided into two pats and in lessons of two hours, whose contents are listed below
The fist part:
Definitions and contents of Geography
The Earth as differentiated space: territorial values
The space Earth as a system
Tools for geographic analysis
The cartographic representation of the space
The analysis of space and its territorial divisions (regions formal and functional)
The urban and agricultural
The settlement patterns
The relationship between city and rural area
The primary sector
Virtual networks and urban organization of global space
Infrastructures and services
Human resources and other conditions of social environment
The second part:
The world system and theories of development.
Structure and dynamics of the population.
Migration and demographic rates.
Gross domestic product, wealth and development indicators.
The production systems: Fordism and post-Fordism.
The new location strategies of enterprise: internationalization and relocation.
The economic integration between states: the common markets.
Course Texts
The teaching material (slides end eventual additional material) provided in the web page of the course at the URL:
Peter Haggett, Geografia umana, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2004
Peter Haggett, L’ambiente globale e gli strumenti del geografo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2004
The student will choose a monographs and/or a journal article, the list will be published, at the beginning of the course, on the page:
Teaching methods
The teaching will be conducted through lectures, held by the teacher or by experts, and through exercises and group discussions.
Written test and/o exercise in mapping lab.
Further information can be found in the web page of the course at the URL: