Tu sei qui: Home Didattica Corsi presso la sede di Novara Programmi degli insegnamenti 2012-2013 Bilancio consolidato - ENG

Bilancio consolidato - ENG


Professor Gaudenzio Albertinazzi

Course Code: EA033
Subject code: SECS-P/07
6 ECTS – 48 hours
Location: Novara

Educational aims

The course intends to develop the knowledge of the business groups and the drawing up of the consolidated financial statements

Content of the course

The course program includes the following topics:
1)    business groups;
2)    the theory of the consolidated financial statements
3)    the drawing up of the consolidated financial statements
4)    case studies.


Passing the examination of business economics and accountancy

Course Texts

1)    A. Principe, P. Tettamanzi, “Bilancio consolidato secondo i principi contabili internazionali”, Egea, 2009. The book is available in the library
2)    Document OIC 17, Giuffré, 2006 – http://moodle.eco.unipmn.it/
3)    Lecture notes with case studies – http://moodle.eco.unipmn.it/
4)    International accounting standards IAS 21 27 28 31 IFRS 3 IFRS 10 http://moodle.eco.unipmn.it/

Teaching methods

The course consists of 48 hours of lessons with discussion of case studies and exercises


Oral examination. For students who attend classes there is a written exam at the end of lessons.