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Sistemi giuridici comparati - eng


Sistemi giuridici comparati – legal systems of the world

Prof. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi

SSD ius 02



Teaching language Italian

Abstract The course is intended as the introductory course in comparative law. It will address method and aims of comparative law and translation issues before explain the major legal traditions of the world.

Teaching material

R. Sacco, A. Gambaro, Sistemi giuridici comparati, Torino, ITET, ult. ed. disponibile Oppure
G. Ajani, B. Pasa, Diritto comparato, casi e materiali, Torino, Giappichelli, 2013

In addition, each student should read one of the following text:

G. Gilmore, Le grandi epoche del diritto americano, Milano, Giuffré,
A. Watson, Evoluzione sociale e mutamenti del diritto, Milano, Giuffré. I
Lingua e diritto: Oltre l’Europa, a cura di B. Pozzo, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014.


Aims The student will know the basics of comparative law

Prerequisities no prerequisite is requested

Teaching lectures. Active participation by the students is expected.

Exam In class written exam



Introduction to comparative law

Law and language

Common law: common law in England; common law in USA.

French and German legal traditions

Islamic legal tradition

Indian legal tradition

Far East legal tradition African legal tradition