Diritto romano (GIU) - eng
Roman Law
Prof. Maria Antonietta Ligios
Course Code: GM037
Subject Code: IUS 18
6 CFU - 44 hours
location: Novara
- Language: italian.
- Contents: trade roman law.
- Texts adopted: for attending students, M. A. Ligios, Nomen negotiationis. Profili di continuità e di autonomia della negotiatio nell'esperienza giuridica romana, publishing house G. Giappichelli, Turin 2013, in all its parts, without exception, plus lecture notes; for non-attending students, in addition to the text of Ligios above, P. Cerami, A. Petrucci, Diritto commerciale romano. Profilo storico, III edition, publishing house G. Giappichelli, Turin, 2010, first part, 3-106; third part, 221-322.
- Educational aims: the course is intended to provide students with the knowledge of the legal structures of the enterprise (negotiatio) in roman law, especially with an analysis of some aspects concerning the organization of business, wich enable an enterprise to operate as a separate entity from its owners and managers.
- Prerequisites: getting through of the examination of Institutions of roman law.
- Teaching methods: frontal lectures.
- Other informations: attendance in class is not compulsory.
- Examination: oral examination.
- Programme in detail: 1) nomen negotiationis, appellatio negotiationis, genus negotiationis; 2) the nomen negotiationis als part of the lex praepositionis; 3) subjective events and the continuity of the negotiatio; 4) the connection between instrumentum and negotiatio; 5) the concept of taberna instructa and the taberna als business location.