Tu sei qui: Home Didattica Corsi presso la sede di Novara Programmi degli insegnamenti 2015-2016 Diritto processuale civile - eng

Diritto processuale civile - eng

Civil procedure (part 1 + part 2)

Prof. Alberto Villa

Prof. Federico Ferraris



Scientific field code: IUS/15

Credits: 15 (9 + 6)

Hours: 110 (66 + 44)

Academic year: 3

Location: Novara

Language: Italian





part 1:


General principles governing civil procedure. Ordinary proceeding. Appeals.


part 2:


Enforcement of judgement, special proceedings, alternative dispute resolution.


C. Mandrioli, A. Carratta, Diritto processuale civile, voll. I (Nozioni introduttive e disposizioni generali), II (Il processo ordinario di cognizione), III (I procedimenti speciali, l’arbitrato e la mediazione), IV (L’esecuzione forzata, i procedimenti sommari, cautelari e camerali), XXIII ed., Torino, 2014.




F.P. Luiso, Diritto processuale civile, voll. I (Principi generali), II (Il processo di cognizione), III (Il processo esecutivo), IV (I procedimenti speciali), V (La risoluzione non giurisdizionale delle controversie), VII ed., Milano, 2013.


In any case, students are required to use the Italian Civil procedural code (updated as of today) as well as the Italian Civil code.


Course targets:


Course provides students with the general principles of the Italian civil procedure.




Deep knowledge of the Italian Constitution and the Italian Civil code.


Course lessons:

Class lessons.



Exam type:


Oral examination.


Course program:


Part 1:


The course deals with the general provisions governing civil trials as well as the first degree proceedings, with special reference to: constitutional grounds; jurisdiction and venue; the judge’s role and the opposing parties; claims and counterclaims; pre-trial and trial phases; evidence proceedings; types of judgements; appeal and Supreme court procedure.


Part 2:


The course takes into account, on the one hand, the set of rules governing the enforcement of judgement and, on the other hand, some special proceedings provided by our procedural code (i.e. injunctions, summary proceedings). Part of the lessons will also be devoted to the analysis of the s.c. alternative dispute resolution means (A.D.R.).