Tu sei qui: Home Didattica Corsi presso la sede di Novara Programmi degli insegnamenti 2015-2016 Controllo interno e governo d'impresa - eng

Controllo interno e governo d'impresa - eng

Prof. Patrizia RIVA

Code: E0381
6 CFU – 48 ore
Sede: Novara

•    Language

•    Contents of the course
In the first part of the course, after defining the concept of Corporate Governance, the main theories of reference will be studied in depth, investigating the origins, development and evolution of the various models and examining the effects on competitiveness and on the dynamics of growth and development of the enterprise in the long term. The prevailing patterns of corporate governance in the various contexts in which the company shows a significant fragmentation of venture capital will be studied.
The Corporate Governance pattern typical of the Italian system will be analyzed where such circumstance rarely occurs because of the special structure of share capital. In particular, ample time will be given to the study of governance issues typical of Italian listed and unlisted companies and to the role played by the internal control system in the context described.
In the second part of the course Internal Auditing issues will be discussed, thus:
Specific features of the internal auditing system of industrial and financial companies.
Anti-money laundering regulations.
The administrative liability of companies pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231 and features of organizational models exempting from liability.
The role of statutory auditors (and other supervisory bodies in one-tier and two-tier governance systems), the duties, the working methods.
The relationships between the various supervisory and control bodies in the various governance systems (traditional – one-tier – two-tier), overlaps, redundancies and evolutionary trends, a comparison of best practices in listed companies (outline of Codes of Conduct) and companies that do not access markets.
Evaluation and verification of the internal auditing system, the role of the manager in charge.
The role of supervisory and control bodies in certain critical and / or risky situations: fraud, transactions with related parties, hedging transactions (derivatives).

•    Course texts and other supports
Transparencies in Power Point format specially prepared by the professor will be made available to students for this course.
The texts used for the lessons in the classroom and which serve as a reference text for taking the examination are:
-    COMOLI M., “I sistemi di controllo interno nella governance”, Egea, Milan, last edition.
-    TETTAMANZI P., “Internal Auditing. Evoluzione storica, stato dell’arte e tendenze di     sviluppo”, Egea, Milan, last edition.
-    ABRIANI N. (et al.), “Diritto delle società”, short Manual, Giuffrè, last edition.
-    MONTALENTI P., “La società quotata – trattato di diritto commerciale”, Cedam IV, last     edition.

Further details and research group will be required on texts proposed on various topics from the professor at the beginning of the course.

•    Educational aims
An adequate system of good corporate governance is indispensable for the proper functioning of the production system, which delivers the correct relationships necessary to qualify the company as a reliable counterpart in financial, business, professional and social dealings, and which enables the creation of the conditions for growth according to criteria of sound and prudential management.
The course aims to provide a basis for the analysis, in the light of an enterprise’s significant growth that often originates a considerable growth in size, of the main management and control instruments which the company has implemented

•    Prerequisites
It is suggested to have attended the following two courses: accounting; business.

•    Teaching methods
The course consists of a total commitment of 48 hours of lectures, equivalent to 6 ECTS. Extra classroom activities consist of studying the lessons shown in the analytical syllabus and preparing group work on the texts assigned and provided by the professor and doing research in the faculty library. Group work will be presented and evaluated in the classroom.

•    Other information
The professor will be available to speak with students weekly at Dipartimento di Studi per l’Impresa e il Territorio room T12.
Course attendance is optional but recommended as case studies will be presented, experts invited to speak and workshops conducted. All the above activities facilitate learning.

•    Examination
Students who take the exam in the session immediately following the end of the course will only have to take a written test covering the whole syllabus, with particular reference to the topics discussed in the classroom. In subsequent sessions, the examination may be taken in an oral and / or written form and will focus on the entire syllabus.