Tu sei qui: Home Didattica Corsi presso la sede di Novara Programmi degli insegnamenti 2014-2015 Sistemi giuridici comparati (GIU) - ENG

Sistemi giuridici comparati (GIU) - ENG

Major Legal Systems of the World
Prof. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi

Codice Insegnamento: CODICE
SSD Insegnamento: SSD IUS02
9 CFU – 66 ore
Sede: Novara


This course will introduce students to the basic issues of comparative law, such as goals, method and critical understanding of comparison and to the main features of modern legal systems.

Contenuto del corso

The first part of the course will address methodological questions of legal comparison and legal pluralism. The following part will be devoted to the analysis of the characteristic of major legal systems.



Teaching materials

R. Sacco, A. Gambaro, Sistemi giuridici comparati, Torino, UTET, ult. ed. disponibile
G. Ajani, B. Pasa, Diritto comparato, casi e materiali, Torino, Giappichelli, 2013.

In addition, one of the following readings:
G. Gilmore, Le grandi epoche del diritto americano, Milano, Giuffré,
A. Watson, Evoluzione sociale e mutamenti del diritto, Milano, Giuffré.
Lingua e diritto: Oltre l’Europa, a cura di B. Pozzo, Milano, Giuffrè, 2014.

For more info, visit the course website at


No special knowledge is required, but some English might be useful.

Attendance to class
Attendance to class is not compulsory.

In class written  exam