Tu sei qui: Home Didattica Corsi presso la sede di Novara Programmi degli insegnamenti 2014-2015 Programmazione di viaggi e itinerari turistici - ENG

Programmazione di viaggi e itinerari turistici - ENG

Prof. Carla Ferrario
Codice insegnamento 0219
SSD Insegnamento M-GGR/02
6 CFU - 48 ore



Education aims
The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge: to analyze a holiday, to classify the tourist routes and to analyze some types of tourism through the study of their routes.
At the end of the course the student:
- will understand the current system of organization of a holiday;
- Will be able to theoretically organize a trip with its route;
- Will be able to analyze the characteristics of some types of tourism;
- Will know the types of routes for some particular tourism.

Content of the course
The course is divided into lessons of two hours, whose contents are listed below:.
•    destinations
•    online tourism
•    tourism and transport
•    cruise
•    rail transport
•    image
•    travel organization
•    tourist routes
•    cultural routes
•    mega- events.
•    religious tourism and its routes
•    some tourism typologies and  its routes

Teaching methods
The teaching will be conducted through lectures, held by the teacher or by experts, and through exercises and group discussions.

Written examinations



Teaching materials (6 CFU)
The teaching material (slides end eventual additional material) provided in the web page of the course at the URL: http://moodle.eco.unipmn.it/
•    Bagnoli L. “Manuale di Geografia del Turismo. Dal Grand Tour ai Sistemi turistici”, UTET Università, Novara, 2006 - cap. 3-4-5
•    Ferrario C. “L’autenticità dell’esperienza del viaggio dal pellegrinaggio al turismo religioso”, in Ambiente Società e Territorio, vol. 4-5, anno 2010
The student can choose one of these articles:
•    Guala C., Per una tipologia dei mega eventi, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, serie XII, volume VII, 4, 2002
•    Dansero E., I “luoghi comuni” dei grandi eventi. Allestendo il palcoscenico territoriale per Torino 2006, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, serie XII, volume VII, 4, 2002
•    Ferrario C., I grandi eventi per la città di domani. Riflessioni in vista di Expo Mi lano 2015 “Nutrire il pianeta, energia per la vita”, Rivista Ambiente società Territorio, vol. 4 luglio/agosto, p. 15-19, ISSN: 1824-114X

Further information can be found in the web page of the course at the URL: https://eco.dir.unipmn.it/