Statistica applicata - ENG
Prof. Enea G. Bongiorno
Prof. Aldo Goia
Prof. Caterina May
Course Code: EC0003
Subject code: SECS-S01
6 ECTS – 48 hours
Location: Novara
Educational aims
The goal of the course is to introduce the students into applications of statistical techniques using some statistical packages. The arguments will be illustrated through case studies.
Content of the course
1. Introduction to MatLab and R.
2. Introduction to the hierarchical clustering and k-means.
3. Multivariate regression.
4. Case studies:
4.1 Marketing profiling and segmentation of customer behaviour;
4.2 Describing Website Visitors
4.3 Market basket analysis
4.4 Analysis of financial data
4.5 Predicting Credit Risk of Small Businesses
Foundations of statistics are highly recommended.
Course Texts
Material provided by the teachers. Further details will be given during the lessons and on the course site.
A useful textbook is:
P. Giudici. Data Mining. Metodi informatici, statistici e applicazioni, MacGraw Hill. This book is available in the library
Further informations can be found in the web page of the course at the URL:
Teaching methods
Lessons on PC.
Oral examination consisting in a discussion of the home-works.