Ricerche di mercato - ENG
Dott. Paolo Chirico
Course Code:
Subject code: SECS-S/03
6 ECTS – 48 hours
Location: Casale Monferrato
Educational aims
The goal of the course is to give statistical methods for market analysis.
Content of the course
1. Elements of Inference : Gaussian distribution, t-Student and chi-square distributions.
2. Confidence intervals of mean and variance.
3. Samples and sampling design.
4. Multivariate regression.
5. Prediction methods: exponential smoothing and autoregressive models
6. Segmentation methods: cluster analysis.
7. Indices for spatial and time comparisons .
Exam of Statistics successfully performed.
Course Texts
G. Cicchitelli, Statistica: principi e metodi, Pearson Ed.
Lecture notes by P. Chirico (available on the web page of the course)
Suggested Texts
S. Brasini et al., Statistica Aziendale e analisi di mercato, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises.
Written examination.